Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year, New Possibilities

Andrew has been home over a month and we feel grateful that we haven't done anything wrong in his care. It is complicated taking care of someone who has been through a trauma. Lately, Andrew was put on a pic line and tpn. They put him under for this and a wound vac change. This is an iv that he can be on during the night for 12 h0urs. The doctor decided that this would help him get 3,000 calories a day. It seems to be working because he has gained three pounds. For my part, it is a little scary. The pic line goes to the heart. You must keep things sterile. So every night we hook him up. It is a bit of a family affair. We do it before family prayer. The other night we had problems with the machine and air bubbles. The whole family was in on solving the problem. I looked at the faces of each of my children as they hovered over Andrew. I really appreciated how much they care about their brother. I suppose that we have done something right! They really love each other. In the morning, I guess I got up too quickly. I went to disconnect him from the line. I have to flush the line with saline and shoot some heparin into it. I sat down and began the procedure. I felt all the blood leave my head. Andrew told me that I looked weird. I was about to pass out. Luckily, Randall hadn't left for work yet. I ended up going to bed for a nap with Andrew napping too. While we were asleep the wonderful ladies, came and cleaned my house. (Leslie Clark, Julie Simmons and Karen Greenwell). I woke up to things in order. I can't tell you the relief that I felt. They are angels of mercy. I really need and appreciate the help. So things are progressing. The plastic surgeon is getting ready to skin graft Andrew's front and back. He will be able to sucture some of it. Andrew will have a five day stay at PCMC for this procedure. I also notice that I am running the "Andrew" business. Each day I have calls to make, appointments to schedule, supplies to order, and prescriptions to pick up. I had no idea that it would entail so much. You know when you see someone use a handicap parking spot and they walk out of their car just fine. You might feel a little annoyed. Now I understand why you don't need to feel annoyed. Caring for someone really takes time, effort, money and energy. I am so grateful to have the option to park in a handicap spot. I am so exhausted by the worry and all the work. It is a great help. The worry continues. Randall and I confessed to each other that we often check him when he's sleeping, so see if he's breathing. Just like a newborn. My knee decided to go out on me a couple weeks ago. It has been swollen, weak and very sore. We laugh because Andrew's walk has been stronger than mine. I think God wanted me to have some pain to help me be a little more understanding of Andrew. Andrew is doing well. Ariel and I took him to KJH to meet with Principal Stromberg, Mr. Brown and others. I have always thought KJH was an exceptional junior high. Now, I see how much they care about the kids. They are really interested in helping Andrew. There is a new program to do school on the computer. Andrew may be out the rest of the year so he can work from home. It is great because Andrew got a great computer screen for Christmas from the people at Randall's work and we went in on it. He also received a new processor from Prime Systems. Keith Duncan at Prime Systems is really great. We have been doing business there for years! Andrew can even lay in his bed and use his computer. This will be a big help for him to keep his school work going. Andrew enjoyed going to his locker and checking a book out. It felt weird to him to have people see him. He has lost a lot of weight. I know that people wish him well so he doesn't need to worry. Saturday, Andrew made it through Avatar, the never-ending movie. He really enjoyed it. I thought it was a little long! I look at the year ahead of us and hope and pray for things to go well for Andrew. It is my wish that he will be put back together so that he can start his sophmore year at Davis. Last night when I was up most of the night with him, I prayed for his continued healing. Andrew is a great kid and a big fighter.


  1. Although your trials are not over it is good to hear that there is still progress in his healing. It is great to hear of the love and compassion from neighbors. I think having neighbors willing to give that kind of service speaks so much of their love for you and your family. Take a moment or two to take care of yourself and your knee. You are no good to Andrew or the rest of your family if you don’t take care of yourself! Have a great week!
    Debbie Hadlock

  2. I know. Maybe tomorrow I can get into the docs for me!

  3. WOW, what a trip. So glad to hear Andrew is a fighter and has great people around him. Andrew, with an experience like this, you do have a special mission here. Stay strong!
    Your in our prayers.
    Your mom's childhood neighbor,
    Amber Ipson Thacker

  4. We pray for your family and put your name in the temple every time we go. I know Andrew will heal, but what a process it is! Chronic or long term illness can never be understood until you walk in those shoes, it takes a family all the strength they have to not go crazy and to stay strong. When you look back just 3 months ago, you were totally different people. You may not like this part of the journey, but you have become a stronger family and stronger individuals as you bear one another up. you never knew you could love so much, or how powerful a prayer can be. May you continue to see the daily miracles that lead to a wonderful and full recovery! Love you all!
    The Parks
