Sunday, February 7, 2010

Skin Graft is 50% Success

Andrew had a rough week. The skin graft didn't work as well as we would have liked. The graft slid out of place so they think that the surgery may be 50% successful. The doctor slid it back in place but only time will tell. It is a difficult road to be home all the time. You miss your friends and activities that you used to do. Andrew commented that he cannot wait to be able to run once again. The impact of the situation hits at different times for Andrew. It is not easy. Sometimes we all wonder if we are truly up to the challenges that have been placed before us. It is reassuring, however, to observe God's hand helping Andrew one step at a time. I am amazed at Andrew's strength to endure the multiple procedures that he must go through. Before his last surgery, he was calm and confident. I wasn't feeling that confident. I had to give him a big hug before they took him back. We have invested so much into this kid! We have all worked so hard to help him move forward. God's plan for Andrew unfolds a little each day. Andrew receives extra comfort and strength as needed. The other night as I was flushing his pic line, Andrew asked how come my hand was shaking so much. I had to remind him that I am not "nurse material". Last night when his line had an obstruction, I ended up calling the nurse. She had me flush a little saline and then pull back to see if blood would come in the syringe. This way we would know that it wasn't the pic line. It really grossed me out but I did it! The medical stuff is the hardest for me. Each week we really enjoy the home seminary teacher who comes to teach Andrew. Each week as they discuss the scriptures, there is a sweet spirit that attends them. This has been a humbling experience for the whole family. We try to work together. We try to be grateful. We try not to complain. We try to see our goal of a healthy, active Andrew.

1 comment:

  1. We still hope and pray for the best for Andrew. He's been through a lot. The skin graft was 50% successful. So, we look at the cup as half-full. What a great family you all are!
