Thursday, December 3, 2009

Destination Kaysville

Tomorrow Andrew is going home!!! This morning at his care conference, Dr. Black made the announcement. Andrew's doctor from Tanner Clinic attended the conference. It was our last chance to discuss our concerns and express our appreciation. We have had a super team working on his recovery. After the meeting, The news started spreading about his departure. We took a spin around the PICU to say our goodbyes. Ian, our favorite nurse, was there. He was so happy to hear the news. He commented that it is kids like Andrew that make him want to continue doing his work. So many people had worked on him in the PICU and many came to ooh and ahh over him. It was quite a moment when I wheeled him into the room that he spent five weeks in. He only has slight memories of his time there. Next, we went up to the third floor to hang out on the leather couches. A border collie therapy dog stopped to visit Andrew. He enjoyed petting him. It was time for his shower then wound vac change. Things looked great. We enjoyed saying goodbye to a lot of great people. Andrew had me play Christmas music for him on the piano. I think it is really sinking in, to us both, that we are about to be, relatively speaking, on our own. I will have to monitor his vitals, take care of his NJ feedings, ostomy, and meds. They have given me good training so I feel pretty good about it. Our neighbor, Tyler, doesn't get to go home yet. I am sure that it is hard for him to see us leave. We pray that he will get home soon! Someone asked me if I am nervous. I say "bring it on". I am so done with camping in the trailer! Besides, Andrew will heal much better at home.


  1. Hooray, I made him a hat, can I bring it over
    Ryan Tanner

  2. We are so happy for you all!! When we took Chris home after 8 weeks in the hospital, I was kind of scared to be the one taking care of him. But, with a blessing from Cliff, and lots of prayer, I found out there wasn't anything I couldn't do. It was good for me AND Chris to find that out. I KNOW the same thing will happen for you. God will bless you as you take care of Andrew. Our prayers continue for your family every day. Merry Christmas!! Cliff and Lee Higbee :)
