Tuesday, December 1, 2009

There's No Place LIke Home

Dec 1 Today they took the suction tube out of Andrew's nose. Yesterday went well so they felt it was time. Today wasn't as good as yesterday. He ate some ceral for breakfast. He wanted to go sit in grandma's trailer so we took him out there. He had some lunch but threw-up a bit. He was not happy so Randall came as soon as he could get away. He really likes having dad around. Today we reached the point where we are ready to go home! It is hard to be motivated when you don't feel well and when you have been in the hospital for so long. It is harder still to be movtivated when you see different faces every day. So today, certain members of his team decided that it is mom's fault that he isn't motivated as much as they would like. If you have ever raised a teenager you know that it is like raising the Titanic to get them to do something that they don't want to do! So I decided that their interpretation of the situation is "stupid" and "wrong". I am going to have to run interference for Andrew. When you have twenty different people on a team, everyone is going to have a little bit different take on a situation. In short, we have had enough! We want to go home!!!

1 comment:

  1. In our family we joke that mom gave birth-so therefore everything that follows is mom's fault. Ha! Ha! So glad to hear tht Andrew is doing so much better! Good luck with the break out!!!Hope you're home soon!
