Tuesday, November 24, 2009

God is Love

Last night after I posted the blog, the Barker family came up to visit Andrew. We have been blessed with awesome neighbors!! Today started with a care conference about Andrew. These meetings allow everyone concerned to coordinate the best way possible for his care. The meeting turned to laughter when dad confessed that he had snuck Andrew a piece of donut. Then he told them not to worry if Andrew turns up missing on Thursday, he'll bring him back! He also wondered about putting some turkey juice in his feeding tube. Andrew is up and walking the hall now. He tires quickly but every day there is progress. At physical therapy he shot a bunch of baskets. I passed the ball back to him. My basketball skills are a little rusty! Every week the surgeons change duties. We met a new doctor. He was great. He came into Andrew's room and drew a picture of his insides and explained what he thinks is going on. When he finished he told Andrew that he must have a special reason for being here. Today I had three different occasions to bear witness to Andrew's miracle and of God's love. I was eating in the cafeteria when a person who works here asked if she could sit with me. She started crying and explained that she needed to see Andrew's miracle. She once knew God but had lost her way. She was so thankful to witness his experiences. She said that she had felt skeptical about his recovery and even the faith that was being shown. So when things turned around, she really felt God's love. She said she isn't sure where this knowledge will lead her but that she is grateful. So I added my thought to hers. I told her that I have always believed in God but now I know. I know! Later, I had a family of a neighboring patient stop me in the hall. The mother said, "do you mind if I ask you why your son is here?" So I explained about the accident. As I was telling the story, the dad starting crying. I told them that it is definately God's will that Andrew survived. There son is here due to a brain tumor. We compared our experiences and the things that we have learned. We both feel God's blessings upon our families. Later, a chaplain came to see Andrew. He was a really great man. We enjoyed talking about God's love for his children. He has noticed our family for some time. I asked him to pray for our family. He said the most beautiful prayer. I don't think that we are of the same denomination but we are definately of the same "faith" in God. Ariel came by and we took him for a walk. She spent the evening with Andrew. Tonight they are finally seeing an improvement in his bile issue. The volume that he is putting out is much less than it was. Once again, we are so grateful.

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