Sunday, November 15, 2009

It is a Cold, Cruel World

Thursday night turned out to be loads of fun. I must admit that during this experience I felt truly sorry for myself. It was finally time to go back to the trailer, my little corner of the world. I have some new neighbors, a young couple. It was really cold in the trailer. I never get cold but I put the heat blanket on medium and jumped in. I was into the last 100 pages of my Dan Brown book. I started to notice that I was freezing. So I jumped out of bed to turn up the heat. The bathroom was particularly cold. I almost stuck to the seat. I jumped back into bed. Not getting warmer... I jumped back out to feel the air flow. Cold. So I took out a match to light a burner. By this time my hands are shaking violently. Nothing happen. Yep, I'm out of gas. I quickly made a hot cup of pero. I put on layers of clothes and grab the space heater. Luckily, grandma Spilker is extremely prepared. I found a big feather bed. I close the drapes in the back and pointed the space heater at the bed. I jumped in and turned the heat blanket up to the max. I covered my head and wondered, WHY!!! I had a really good pity party. I thought of Randall all snuggled and warm in our bed at home. I thought about crying but realized the tears would probably just freeze! I wondered if my frozen, lifeless body would be found in the morning. I had my prayers and then pretty soon I noticed that I was finally getting hot. Oh well, it felt real good! Friday was a pretty good day. The biggest complaint is the nausia that he is having. They believe it is related to the NJ feeding tube. Of course, it couldn't be all the meds that they are giving him??? I had the nurse print out everything that he is on. Funny, a lot of the side effects were listed as nausia. We have now come to the conclusion that it is in Andrew's best interest to get out of here as soon as possible. Once we get the go-a-head, he will be able to heal much better at home. No one wants to hang out in the hospital? Randall came up and refilled the gas bottles to the trailer. Andrew is getting up walking, sitting or riding throughout the day. Linda and Johann came to visit for a bit while we grabbed something to eat. Later on, I went with Ariel to the Lyric Opera Concert at the U. It was the first time that I have done anything fun since before the accident. The music was beautiful and I really enjoyed the break. We continue to be amazed and grateful for our wonderful neighbors. Their service is such a gift to our family. We are also thankful for the monetary contributions that we have received. Things are difficult for most people now days. It often takes part-time jobs to supplement the regular job to make ends meet. So I get what a sacrifice it is. For my part, it is a humbling thing to accept help. I wasn't thrilled with the idea. But, I am incredibly grateful. My new job will be "nurse mommy". The hospital is concerned that I have a team to help at home. Fortunately, my kids are very adept at learning new skills and very generous with their time. I also know that I can call on my ward (church group) for help. So I say "Bring it On!" Let's all pray that things come together so that Andrew can finally come home!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you! Back over 14 years ago I spent a couple of weeks with our youngest in the NICU and then a couple of months later in the ICU. Although my time cannot even compare to the months you have spent and the months you still have to go through this medical mission. When I read your posts they strike a flood of memories like, eating by myself, going to church by myself. I have to admit though that I started to really enjoy the 30 min. church at PCMC. Even all these years later I long for the 30 min. church! lol Sleeping in his room on a pull out bed that they called a luxury bed. Going down the hall to shower and dress and wondering what life was like back at home.

    These experience that you are having will help you with the tough times ahead. They will always be part of your life when you think back to this time in the hospital with Andrew. I also believe your bond with Andrew has strengthened and will continue to be strong during your lifetime. What a blessing it is to see first hand the power of God in our lives!

    Thinking of you and your family and praying for you all!

    Debbie Hadlock
