Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reality Check

So in case there are those following this blog who think that it is weird that our family is handling this a little too well, today we didn't! The stress of week after week of worry, living at the hospital for some, and separation for others has taken its toll. Yes, we are normal, we sometimes really bug each other. So tonight we all had to go to our respective corners to regroup. My job is to handle things at the hospital, Randall will be handling things at home and work. We are exhausted and really spent but must keep movin'on. I suppose the pioneers who settled Utah had their "moments". Think about it. Can you imagine being in a wagon for months on end with your family. Sometimes we have had trouble just driving to Salt Lake from Kaysville! Sometimes too much family time can be a stress. We learned that when we moved to Germany. When we first arrived, we didn't have friends, telephone, tv, or computer for a couple months. We really started to irritate each other. I suppose in the eternities we will be more mature and able to handle "quantity" family time. Well, on the other end of the spectrum, Andrew had a great day. He was able to have a shower before they changed his wound vacs. His wounds are really healing. They could see a difference from a few days ago. Andrew slept for three hours this afternoon. Ian, his nurse from the PICU, came by to visit with him and he took care of the wound vac procedure. Ian is one of those gifted, extraordinary people who is able to heal others by their skill and presence. We will never forget the work that he has done for Andrew and the help he has given our family. After the procedure, I sat by him and enjoyed listening to him really sleep for the first time. His surgeon came by later to visit with him. The surgeons are so pleased with their work and with Andrew. Tonight I watched a little tv with him. He looked so good and he was interested in finding some music that he likes. He had a very calm day. We had an 8 am meeting with the staff of about 18 people regarding Andrew. It is a little strange to sit in on such a big meeting regarding one of your children. The meeting eventually got around to talking about his discharge. It is still some time away but exciting to ponder. Andrew will come home with some accessories i.e., wound vacs, feeding tube, and colostomy bag. They asked us what we were willing to do at home with medical care. We said that we would trust their timing and that we figured we could learn anything that needed to be done. I have zero experience with home health care so it will be interesting!

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