Sunday, November 1, 2009

Watching the Sun Set

Sunday was a beautiful day in Salt Lake. There was a strong sunshine coming in the windows. Andrew did not sleep once again. He was awake all night. We had worked really hard at keeping him awake. We thought that he would sleep. But no deal. First thing today, Andrew had a CT scan of his stomach. They were checking for cysts. They didn't find anything remarkable. Today each of our six children came up to the hospital. We had special permission to meet together in Andrew's room. We had a chaplain take some pictures. Andrew is sitting in the chair in them. Next, the rest of us knelt down and we had a family prayer. A little later, around sunset, we got Andrew in a wheelchair and took him through the new ICU wing and then downstairs. First we wrapped him up in the quilt made by Taylor E. and friends, and put a Jazz beanie on his head. The quilt is really nice and warm. Perfect for a stroll outside. Ashley, Dustin, Harper (a bee for Halloween) and Amanda were waiting outside as we came out the doors. It was a great moment! The first time he has left the hospital to go outside. We parked him by the water fountains. He really seemed to enjoy it. Andrew remembers what happened to him. He even remembers flying in LifeFlight. He is very grateful for the knowledge that Alex had to save his life, for Aaaron's help, and for the blessings/prayers that Randall gave him. Tonight, I spoke to my brother-in-law, Max, who is a retired Lieutenant Colonel (Air Force) and my sister Janice. Max commented about how the training that Alex received from the Army kicked in to help him do what needed to be done. He said to tell Alex that he is very proud of him. Janice and I talked about how fun it is to be grandparents. We are so grateful for all of the support that our family has receivied from family and friends near and far. We feel incredibly thankful that Andrew is such a fighter. We are thankful that it was not yet his time to go. We recognize that God knows the masterplan for each soul's life. Jesus Christ marked the path at every point. It is up to us if we will follow. He said "Come Follow Me" to his disciples. The choice is ours.


  1. What an incredible miracle! I am Dustin Nielsen's cousin and I've been following your blog since I heard what happened. I am so thrilled for your family. May you continue to have faith, strength and courage in the days ahead.

  2. Wow, a trip outside. That is progress!

  3. Randall, Michelle and family,
    I have just been catching up on the progress on Andrew. It has brought me to tears and touched my heart at what a miracle this has all been. How wonderful to know how loving and caring our Father is and even through tragedy and trial, there is joy, happiness, and yes even humor. Your faith, and strength continue to touch me. You are always in our prayers.
    Dani and Ken Phifer
