Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Lesson in the ABC's

Wednesday was a great day! Andrew had a great night's sleep. His therapy classes were really good. He played perfection and boogle. The heart team had a look at things. They expect that the drops in his heart rate are due to the meds. They are gradually taking him off a couple different things. So we don't have a definitive answer but a good idea why. PCMC is very thorough in treating the children. Their motto is "The Child First and Always". We have witnessed that to be true. The folks who work here really take care to do the best thing for the patient. We are so impressed with the health care workers on every level. We have had so many kindnesses extended to us. Randall took his lunch to visit with Andrew. It is hard for him because he doesn't get to spend much time here. But we assured him that we are doing well. He has done a great job running the house in my absence. Rick McGurk brought our dog, Lacy, up to the hospital. We bundled up Andrew and took him outside to see her. She gave Andrew a big wet kiss. Yuck! He loved it! He actually stayed longer than I've seen him do before. He sat and pet his dog. It did my heart good to watch. After lunch, I spent some time reading Robinson Crusoe to Andrew. It is a classic story by Daniel Defoe. Then it was time for physical therapy. This is definately the hardest part of the day. Janine parked Andrew's chair at the door of the gym. He walked the entire length of the gym. Next, while sitting down, he kicked a soccer ball with two assistants. He really liked that. Then she let him shoot a basketball for a while. It took a lot out of him but he did great. I had no idea how difficult, yet important, rehabilatation is. The PTs here are great. Andrew played phase ten with Tony. Every day his ability to complete tasks is greater. The doctor is pleased with the NJ feedings that he is getting. His pancrease numbers are still dropping. Now during the day, we hear talk about "when" you go home. I think that things are progressing nicely. At some point they will decide that he can heal at home better than at the hospital. What an amazing thing. Today after a nurse said to him, "you don't remember me but, you are such a miracle." We asked him if he is getting tired of hearing that? He said, "Yes". We said "ok but, you are a miracle." Ashley, Dustin and Harper came up to visit. I was able to tend Harper in the trailer. Harper is a gift from heaven. No matter how worried I was, Harper could always get a smile out of me. Babies are wonderful. We took a nap together with my finger in his hand. He is so sweet. We had a nice evening once they got the wound vac changed again. We just can't seem to get the right placement to keep it from leaking. Tim and Tyler Seeley had a nice visit with Andrew. Andrew can have two visitors at a time. I just wait in the hall. He is now able to enjoy visiting for a time. Have you ever heard the ABC's of success. I heard this some years ago, I can't remember where I got it from. It goes like this. Anything that you can CONCEIVE, if you BELIEVE, you can ACHIEVE. I went over this with Andrew today. Success is 90% attitude, 10% hard work. I believe in approaching life with a positive attitude. You are much more apt to reach higher if you do. My mother gave me the gift of a great example in this. She grew up with some hardship. She lost her right eye in an accident. Her family really struggled through the depression. Yet, in spite of difficulty, her faith enabled her to feel happy and optimistic. I hope that I have conveyed, and can continue to convey this to Andrew. No limits, no boundaries!

1 comment:

  1. You are a great Mom! You probably won’t know what to do with yourself when you can go home. The rest of the family is probably running the house like a fine oiled machine!

    Debbie Hadlock
