Monday, November 23, 2009

Smuggle Me Grandma's Bread

Monday Nov. 23, Andrew was exhausted from his weekend. Randall and Andrew did a lot of walking around the NTU. Andrew passed out on his last walk. He had been off of the feeding tube for five hours on sunday. That probably contributed. So today we took it easy. I woke up and looked out to see a lot of snow. When I went out the door to the trailer, I found that the snow removal man had brushed off my steps and salted them. It really made me happy!! First we went down to radiology for an ultrasound of his legs. They wanted to check his legs. When you are unable to move around for a long time, you can develop clots. Fortunately, his legs looked fine. Then it was time for a shower. After the wound team changed his wound vacs. It went really well. It looked like he is growing some new skin. They were shocked and amazed. They had never seen anything like it. Andrew took a nap. Later, Andrew's friends came. Connor, Taylor, Cody, Taylor and Camille. Taylors mom is so wonderful to bring them to the hospital on a regular basis. Today, Andrew was much more into visiting. It is so good to see him make expressions and talking like a regular teen. Tonight we watched some tv. Andrew wants to eat now. He wants me to smuggle food to him. Oh boy! He asked me if he could lick my food container. They will allow him some chicken broth. They started him on a new med to help with this problem. Hopefully, we will see things progress to him eating. He told me that he took a sip of my sprite when I wasn't looking. I am going to have to keep contraband out of his room!!


  1. OK Andrew - here's the deal: A LARGE (big as we can find) Pepperoni Pizza and a couple of Dr. Peppers on me the next time I have the pleasure of visiting! But not till the Dr's say it's ok!! You can hold me to that promise Nephew. There would be nothing that would please Aunt Jan and I more than to deliver it in person right now. You'll have plenty soon bud - hang in there. I'll tell you what - you get your parents to bring you out to Virginia for a visit in the Summer and we'll not only pay up on the pizza but take you for some of the best BBQ in the world just up the roat at Pierce's Wood Pit! All the best kiddo. Hope to hear about you going home soon. Hey - I wonder if BBQ stays good in the mail??? Silly old Uncle . . .

  2. Food is so social and usually delicious that it must be seriously difficult to go without, especially this time of year!! And, though you've heard it a 1,000 times before you will be grateful that you listened to the doctors when all is said and done, even if that means waiting an extra week or two for a real Thanksgiving dinner.

    There are tons of people just dieing to make you a batch of chocolate chip cookies as soon as you get the green light to shovel them in. You're a trooper! Keep up the healing! Live strong!

  3. Bread's coming right up! as soon as the Dr.'s let you. I can hardly weight too make it for you and watch you eat a slice. Keep walking as much as your body will let you. Lots of love and hugs, g-ma
