Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Therapy Prison

Wednesday Andrew realized that he is in therapy prison. It is hard when other people tell you what, when, and how to do it! Andrew started walking last weekend. Now they have decided that they expect a lot more out of him. He walked all the way to the gym, climbed the stairs and walked a 1/4 of the way back. Then his therapist got after us about doing more. Then the occupational therapist got after him about dressing himself. He told her that he could but didn't want to. So she gave him a big lecture. Poor Andrew!! He can't wait to get released from hospital prison. Later in the day, Alex popped his head in the door. He was able to take an earlier flight. We all went to the 3rd floor lounge. Alex gave us a little concert with a guitar. Ariel showed up so we had a Christmas song family sing-in. I am keeping a log of all the time he spends out of bed. This will help him prove that he is trying to get stronger. A month ago, Michelle C. gave me a beautiful bracelet. Inside the dangling heart it says "trust the journey". This is an interesting concept. If we have faith in a higher being, then we should be able to trust the journey. This journey is a very steep climb but we are taking it one day at a time. I believe that in time we will look back to see many good things have come from this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, Andrew, we've been following your blog daily since Christa helpt us to find the Miracle. Andrew, in this difficult time we think of you and we are so happy that you are making such amazing progress. Keep on pushing througt, at Christmas you are out of Therapy prison and happy to be at home.
    In Love Doris, Juergen and Famaly from Germany
