Sunday, October 18, 2009

Faith and Hope

Today Andrew had another surgical procedure. They added another line to the ECMO machine. They want to get more oxygen circulating. This will help his lungs heal faster. Randall, Amanda and I went to the church meeting they have at the hospital. The song that really hit me was "Lead Kindly Light". The words talked about how when things are going smooth, that we don't ask for direction. But then, in a moment, we suddenly have to rely on the Lord completely. The song said something to the effect that I do not ask to see the step in front of me. This is where we are at. We can't possibly know what is best for Andrew. We have turned it over to the Lord. To lead us on. The speaker talked about faith and hope. I was really touched by his words. They seemed to be speaking to me. I realized that we are doing everything that we can. All that is left is to have faith and hope. I went to sit with him this morning. It is funny, but I had trouble finding the words that I wanted to say to him. So I ended up just holding his foot in my hand. There are so many lines that you don't want to disturb. I felt that he could at least feel my spirit reaching out to his. Randall and Aaron (nurse) gave Andrew a blessing. All the blessings that he has received have pointed to his healing. It is hard to imagine how can we can get from a to z? It seems so ominous. Faith is believing in things that are not seen but that are true. No matter how this turns, we know that our Heavenly Father is aware of Andrew. He loves him. We are so thankful for the support that we continue to receive. We are humbled by the outpouring of love. Thank you so much.

1 comment:

  1. michelle i love your updated!!! YOu are an amazing person!! Love you guys!!!
