Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A new room for Andrew

Well it is true, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. After our "little" discussion with the staff last night, Andrew got a new room. It is much more quiet and will aid in his recovery. We also have had two fabulous nurses, Ian and Brian. We are asking that prayers for Andrew focus on his body overcoming infection and bad tissue. Maybe a more simple way would be to ask our Heavenly Father that his body will respond to the antibiotics and treatments. His back wound is quiet large because they had to remove bad tissue. Once they get the fever and infection under control, they can begin plastic surgery. Modern medicine is such a blessing. Our thanks to the many priesthood holders for the blessings that have surely been a comfort and strength to Andrew. The lot we drew out tonight is to sleep on the couches in the waiting rooms. We don't mind, we simply want to be close by Andrew. I was looking through some pics of Andrew. I was remembering the time he gave our golden retriever a bubble bath in his kiddy pool. Or the time he was in Fiddler on the Roof and starred in Oliver. I mentioned to Randall that we have had a wonderful life thus far. We feel blessed to be Andrew's parents.


  1. I'm so glad that Andrew is improving. It was great meeting your family at the PICU. I'm sure you have taken the Park's place there in encouraging and helping other families. You and Andrew are in our prayers.

  2. Sorry, that first post was me, I was logged in under Jacob's blog.
    Carol Cluff

  3. Hi. I would love to read about Andrew and how he is progressing, but the red font makes it VERY hard. Is there a chance you would change the color to white? If you donot know how to do that, go to "layout", then to "change colors and fonts". For the font color for "text", change to another color. Thank you! This would be SO helpful for those of us whose eyesight is terrible. :)

  4. Glad to hear he is improving? Do you remember Tracy Webb? She works at Primary Childrens. I emailed her to tell her you were there but she doesn't check often. you should see if you could see her :) They made you sleep on the couches? Do they not have room in his room to sleep there all the time? Love you guys.

  5. Michelle, We'll begin our prayers that his body will respond to the antibiotics and treatments - I'll pass the word. I'm so thankful that Andrew got a quieter room - that really makes a difference. Some nights (and days for that matter) can be loud in the PICU with all the activity. Oh how I remember the drawing for the rooms...we got lots of nights in the waiting room or any corner we could find also:) Prayers and good energy being sent your way. We love you guys.

    Stephanie Shaner

  6. We are still praying for him!!!! I hope everything goes well is he still going into surgery today??? love you guys!!!

  7. We really feel for what you are going through. It will be a long, hard battle, that is for sure.

    When Ed was hospitalized in a hospital in Brazil and underwent two surgeries, I had the options of staying at the mission home, a hotel across the street, or in his room on a narrow leather couch (of sorts) with sheets provided by the hospital. I chose the latter, which proved to be the right choice. It became important to his very survival that I be close by to watch over and care for him. There was only one nurse that was any good. She worked some of the nights we were there.

    After awhile, that room began to feel like "home" to me. We were in a third world country with a hospital that made all kinds of serious mistakes, and I couldn't speak the language to make requests (and demands) that needed to be done. But we made it through it.

    Our hearts go out to you.

    Love, Ed and Cyndy

  8. Since first hearing about Andrew's accident, he and your whole family have been in all our prayers and will continue to be so...Hang tough and never, ever, give up hope. I'm sure that everyone's emotions are high...Please don't let the adversary plant the seeds of doubt or blame in any of your minds. Things like this pass, but families are forever. We look forward to seeing you all again in due time...All our love always...The Krohn Family
