Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Believe in Christ

God bless all of you. Your faith and prayers are helping Andrew. He has progressed into a more stable situation. We don't know Gods plan but these things happen to remind us that he is over all. The creator of this world, the King of Kings. Andrew has progressed so that they could take the cord that was monitoring his brain pressure off. They also took the neck brace off. There was some fluid in the space by his lung so they put a drain in. This will help his right lung have as much oxygen as the left. Andrew is now responding to questions, moving and aware of the goings on around him. We turned on the LDS conference that was on tv. This is a time when we can have our faith bolstered. We were unable to listen to much but the mo-tab arrangement of "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" really touched us. (Thanks Brent A.) Our dear friends in the PICU have had several days of difficult news. We love and add our faith to the multitude praying for him. Both families reconize God's love and that His will, will be done. Several angels to thank, Ian, Ben, and Cody.


  1. I am so happy that Andrew is progressing in his recovery. I know our Savior is watching over him and Jacob. I will keep Andrew and your family in my prayers.

  2. Glad to hear he is improving. Sorry for the loss of the friends you have made. Hospitals are so hard. Especially pediatrics.

  3. Michelle, You, Randall, Andrew, and all your family are in our prayers. For years we have had a blogspot on Meredith in which we kept those around us updated on her progress. Miracles abound at Primary Children's - one such miracle is posted on Meredith's blog under "The Missing VSD" title. We love you guys and you have our hearts and prayers. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful hospital to care for our dear children. Get better Andrew!

  4. We love you guys and pray that all goes well every day. We would certainly love to be there and hope to see a healthy Andrew soon!!

  5. We love all of you and are praying for Andrew! Thanks for the blog to keep us updated.
