Sunday, October 25, 2009

Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady Wins the Race... Andrew makes improvements each day. Today he was able to breath on his own, twice, for a couple hours. They are working to be able to get him off of the respirator. Tomorrow they will close his abdomen again. They have been able to get rid of any swelling through the use of lasiks. This will enable them to close the abdomen tighter. Andrew's lung x-ray looked completely clear today. They are amazed. Andrew is able to communicate to us by nodding. It would drive me crazy not to be able to talk. I can't wait until we cross that bridge. Randall is good at reading him. Sometimes he has an itch. Sometimes his legs hurt. Connor and Mike, the Barkers, and family came to see him today. At the hospital they have cracked down on visiting rules. Only two beside the parents. They canceled any gatherings too because of the H1N1. Andrew has a nice corner room. They want him to get his days and nights straightened out. He has a window and the sun shines in brightly. It really helps. Andrew has had extraordinary people working to get him healed. We have really appreciated their skill and compassion. We have come a long way. We have a long way yet to go. I feel optimistic that we can meet each day as it comes. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


  1. Hi Andrew, we are new friends of your family and heard that you can nod now and are able to communicate a bit better. We would love to come meet you as soon as you feel up to it, but our son Jordan is sick and we don't want to pass that on to you. So, if you would like, you can hop onto the internet and read a bit about Alaska sometime, that is where I grew up and I think we should convince your family that we should go fishing there sometime. I know where the best silvers can be caught and I an take you gold panning. Have you ever seen a musk ox? They are pretty cool looking. I love your sister's singing, and your dad sang with her for the patients up on the 3rd floor waiting room. They were so good they made me cry. Our daughter's name is Arial, too, she sings also. Anyway, Ariel has a great voice and we heard you also sing. My son Jordan just started at the choir in school and we told him you sing and act. He would love to see you perform again as soon as you can get up and about. I heard singing is a great way to help heal the lungs. Well, better go, but wanted you to know that our family has been praying for you and putting your name in the temple. We can't wit to talk to you, we feel almost like we know you from the wonderful stories your family shared with us. By the way, your grandma made me eat all my food or threatened to make me take it back out of the garbage and she told me the batteries and shock don't hurt that bad, but I don't believe her, what do you think? Take care and get well soon, we need to get you out of there! Love,
    The Park Family

  2. I'm so glad I got to see him today, even though it was just for a moment! He is so amazing, a complete turn around since the last time I was able to be to visit him! A complete miracle. He is in my thoughts and prayers daily. I hope you continue to feel the Saviors love for you, Andrew, and your family. He is watching over Andrew very carefully I feel. Love you! Give Andrew another hug and kiss for me!
