Monday, October 19, 2009

Making Progress

Today was a good day for Andrew. The new line that was placed yesterday has really helped to bring his SAT numbers up. SAT is the oxygen in your blood. The goal is that the lungs can rest in order to heal. This morning his lung x-ray was completely cloudy. Tonight, there are black areas. This indicates healing. In addition, his chest is beginning to move again. It is not as tight. Kidney function is working really well too. The swelling from third spacing has gone down. Yesterday, after I wrote the blog, we had a moment of concern about his numbers. I just told myself that I would not feel fear. I would choose faith. I remembered his priesthood blessings. The med team figured out a way to bring his numbers up as we watched. I realized that life is a test of faith. How we respond, is up to us. We are so grateful for the medical team that is working on Andrew. Technology that allows this process to happen is simply a miracle. Every night we have a family prayer with Andrew. Randall always mentions the countless people who are praying for Andrew. Andrew can hear us. I believe that prayer is a key element in his recovery. Thank you so much.


  1. You are still in our prayers! I check every day to see how Andrew is doing. The roller coaster you are riding seems to not stop. I hope that soon you can get off that roller coaster and rest. I pray for good times and full recovery for Andrew. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

    Debbie Hadlock

  2. Your blog is so inspiring. We pray for you and Andrew. We know that the Lord hears and answers prayers. We just had a miracle, too. Just keep your positive attitude and don't let doubt eek in. The Lord will take care of you.

  3. Michelle,

    You are so inspiring - choosing faith when fear is right in front of your eyes. I had such a hard time shutting out that fear when I was in the PICU with Meredith. Then with all the concerns over her ventricular function and finally the most recent blood clot in her right atrium - it has all been followed with fear slapping me in the face. You are an example of faith in the face of fear and you are a hero to me. I will tuck this away in my heart because I know my days of choosing fear or choosing faith with Meredith are far from over...

    I'm so happy to hear that Andrew's progress is positive. I've prayed constantly for him and his recovery. I want you to know that you and your family are close to my heart.

    Isn't technology just a miracle beyond description? And not only the technology but the minds and intellegence our Father bestows upon these doctors - their creativity and their courage is unbeleivable. Before Meredith had her double-switch surgery, I read over and over how it would be done. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. Her surgeon would have to rebuild her itsy-bitsy walnut-sized or barely bigger heart while it was basiclly flat. Since she was on bypass, he would have to imagine how what he was doing would affect her heart once blood was flowing through it again. Closing holes, moving coronaries, switching the pulmonary artery and the aorta, completely rerouting the flow of blood through the atriums and ventricles - it was inconceivable! But here she stands - a testament to the power of our Father in Heaven. I know through this amazing intellegence, creativity, and miracles that Andrew will be standing next to you again.

    I believe in miracles!

    love stephanie
