Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God Answers Prayers

Last night after I finished the blog. Andrew's numbers continued to improve. They also woke him up enough to get responses from him. This morning we woke up to a call from the surgeon. He decided to place a drainage tube in each side of his chest. He also wanted to suction out his lungs through the ventilator. These procedures went really well. They were able to get 2 liters of fluid out. They let Andrew rest a couple hours. Next they had to turn him. This was very dangerous because of the tubes that run to the lung machine. The tubes hold his life's blood. It took 14 people and one nurse had to climb in the bed to hold some of the lines still. His wounds looked really good which was a great blessing. They hadn't looked at them for a week. They also changed the top dressing. Tonight, his numbers still look good and they are weaning him off of the lung machine. They will see if he can be removed for ECMO tomorrow. We saw his chest x-ray, it looked so much clearer than last night. This x-ray was from 2:30 so it has probably improved more since then. We feel incredibly blessed. The doctors, nurses and techs have worked so long and hard in Andrew's behalf. After the test of faith come the blessings. Blessings do not always come in the way that we would want. We recognize God's hand in everything that has occurred. We are so thankful for all the of the prayers in Andrew's behalf. We have talk to people who are praying for the very first time. We know God does answer prayers! We believe that God has a plan for Andrew just as He has for all of his children. This was a really good day!


  1. Miracles do happen, and it sure seems like you have one!

  2. You guys don't know but I am an older sister of one of Andrew's friend's, Taylor Edwards. I've been following this blog ever since the accident and I'm so happy for you guys and the progress Andrew is making. Andrew sounds like one special kid from the things I hear that my sister tells me. I will continue to pray for him, his recovery, you, and your family!! It's such a strength to me to see the faith you guys have in god and his plan for us. I hope things continue to go well for Andrew and your family.

    Whitney Miller

  3. I am so thrilled that Andrew is improving! We think of your family and Andrew every day. Thank you for your examples of strength and faith!
    Will and Carol Cluff

  4. We hope and pray that Andrew continues to make progress. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Vicky and Kray
